Seasons Greetings!
Buy Moulton Bicycle Club kit through the ProVision portal which is now open until 13th October 2024. Your purchases should be ready for shipments before Christmas 2024.
Click on the 'Moulton Bicycle Club' link above and select 'Club Regalia' from the drop-down list. It will take you to the Club's Regalia page.
Our 50th Anniversary club events during 2025, at Bradford on Avon, BA15 1AH:
April - Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th, no camping on site.
August - Friday 15th to Sunday 17th, camping within the Hall grounds.
Many more details to follow via the club magazine, our website & Facebook.
If you are not a member and would like to attend, please join the Club at the gate of the venue:
Moulton Bicycle Company, Holt Road, Bradford on Avon, BA15 1AH
UK residents £22.50, Europe residents £25.00, Rest of the World £30.00
! Please note this is a Moulton Bicycle Club Members only event!
Venue: Moulton Bicycle Company, Holt Road, Bradford on Avon, BA15 1AH
As requested by many members at last September's meeting, we have moved the event into the school holidays to enable more families to attend. We hope more families will choose to join us. Free entrance for the under 18’s when accompanied by adults.
A range of Moulton themed activities are planned, suitable for all ages.
As you are probably aware things have changed on your committee. One significant decision made was to reschedule the marquee from this year to next year as this coincides with the Club's 50th anniversary in 2025. As a result there will not be a club meal this year.
The main activity of Saturday evening will be the BBQs on the croquet lawn at the Hall, however you may prefer to go to Bradford on Avon town to find something to eat. There is the Dandy Lion which has good food and Timbrell’s Yard which we have visited in the past after rides when it was known as the Riverside.
There are many other smaller pubs, cafes, restaurants & hotels in the town and in the immediate surrounding area.
For those family members who may not be so keen on Moulton bicycles for the whole weekend you could always book on a Hall tour or even stay in the Hall for the weekend with the Alex Moulton Charitable Trust (AMCT), book direct with them at www.moultontrust.org
Also you may wish to check out the Bradford on Avon visitor Information website www.bradfordonavon.co.uk for activity inspiration in and around town.
The Club is happy for you to bring your well behaved & quiet dog(s) to the weekend whether you are camping or just visiting on the Saturday, kindly clean up after the inevitable.
And finally, our RAFFLE, we will need you to donate prizes for the raffle.
Hope to see you in Bradford on Avon
Weekend schedule
Friday 9th
16:00 onwards Campers arrive to set up their units and help set up the club tent. Head down to the Dandy Lion (across the road from the former Swan Hotel) to eat, meet & drink.
Saturday 10th
9:00 Gate opens
9:30 – 11:00 Moulton Bring & Buy sale in the club tent, to sell anything Moulton related, I suggest you bring your own table. Dan will be there with an ever diminishing offering of spares (we keep buying them!) and Zoe will be there with Moulton Preservation for those unique spares for your F-frame refurbishment projects.
9:30 – 12:00 Moulton-themed arts & craft activities outdoors, suitable for all ages.
11:30 – 13:00 AGM in the club tent, followed by the raffle draw.
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
Afternoon Bike rides, leaving from the upper car park:
14:00 – fast 30 mile ride
14:30 – medium 20 mile ride
15:00 – slow 10 mile ride
17:00 – 22:00 BBQ, there will be 2 BBQs, one for meat and one for non-meat. Bring you own food, drinks, plates & cups/glasses. Alternatively head into Bradford on Avon or beyond to find your food for the evening. We hope to get together in the club tent at about 9pm, this will provide us with a chance to meet up. More details to follow later.
If you are coming to BoA by car please bring your own chair.
Sunday 11th
Bike rides leaving from the upper car park – different to Saturday's rides!
9:30 – fast 35 mile ride
10:00 – medium 25 mile ride
10:30 – slow 10 mile ride
All rides expected back by 2pm
This schedule will probably evolve, keep checking our Facebook & website for updates.