Land's End to John o' Groats on a TSR 30

I have been following the build up and now the progress of Simon Berry's Participation Ride 2007, which this year intends to use the National Cycle Network as much as possible.

Last year I raised £1,000 for ruralnet|uk's Participation Fund and that has been spent enabling people working hard in their own communities to attend our annual conference and access our online support services. PLEASE help me beat last year's total by clicking the 'Sponsor Me' button to the right. I will personally and privately acknowledge all donations.

In return I will endeavour to keep you informed and amused by blogging the trip here 'from the saddle'!
Many thanks.

In return I will endeavour to keep you informed and amused by blogging the trip here 'from the saddle'!

There's a great deal of interesting material on the route, with maps and lots of GPS goodies, accomodation and most importantly the bike. You can also read about last year's ride.

Also check out the page of video from last years ride.

The video below features Simon detailing the bike fully loaded, and it serves to demonstrate how well the TSR / Moultons in general are built for touring.

3 thoughts on “Land's End to John o' Groats on a TSR 30”

  1. By the way ,there was an Australian guy at BoA, who did Paris Brest Paris on a new TSR 30, and was very complimentary about the bike.

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