BoA 2007: Demo bikes

After the meeting, members could try out any of the Moulton models.

There were three samples of the Esprit, a Bridgestone, a Double Pylon and an older New Series...

The test track was just too small for the Metro...

This NS had nice narrow flat bars and indexed trigger shifters...

The Double Pylon looks even more exquisite in real life than in any photo you've ever seen...

Two Double Pylons in a corner...

New Style Flexitor unit of the Double Pylon. Having the forks outside the Flexitor unit (instead of inside as with earlier New Series models) gives more steering rake for a more stable ride.

The Demo bike had the softest of the available rubber compounds, so the soft lockout was engaged for demo riders...

One thought on “BoA 2007: Demo bikes”

  1. Second picture: is it a Metro or a Rover 100: the one with the AM designed AND implemented suspension?

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