Easy Miles around the Chichester Plain

by Aynsley Brown

On Sunday 27th March, I attended Arthur Smiths’ Chichester Ride with my AM2.

As advertised, it was an easy ride of 26 miles. Just right for me after a relatively non-cycling winter.

It was a sunny coolish morning. 14 of us gathered at Chichester Station, including Brian Wey, who’d badly broken his wrist at BoA in September last year. This was his first ride after the accident. Good to see him back in the saddle.

We set off on cycle paths and quiet roads out of Chichester, then out through Fishbourne, Bosham Hoe to Bosham.

It was like cycling in the Netherlands. Dead flat. Easy going.

Unfortunately, one of our number at a short stop, discovered that he’d lost his wallet out of an un-zipped pocket. Accompanied by another who knew the route, he cycled back towards our starting point to see if it’d fallen out on the road. A bit further on another of us took a tumble negotiating a not-so-dropped kerb. No great damage done, so we all continued.

Our first stop was at the Bosham Art and Craft Centre for a welcome cuppa. While we were enjoying our teas and coffees, the two who had turned back, rejoined us. The wallet hadn’t fallen out after all; just mis-placed.

On through beautiful countryside via Chidham and Prinsted to Thornham Marina for lunch at Boaters Bar.

The food was good and lots of it! So good, that some of the day’s specials had sold out. I’d blame it on Arthur’s puncture, which delayed us a while. We ate out in glorious sunshine. Not bad for late-March!

After lunch we rode on returning to Chichester via Southbourne and Woodmancote, stopping at the café  at  Fishbourne’s Roman Palace.

It was a lovely day’s ride, with riders from as far away as Oxfordshire, Surrey and the Isle of Wight.

Arthur’s next Ride in May won’t be as flat – so I’m told. Think I’ll bring the Speedsix!

Aynsley Brown

One thought on “Easy Miles around the Chichester Plain”

  1. Oh, for shame! What is that bike in the left foreground: it’s not a B******n, is it?

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