Join us in a Moulton Ride Around The World!

Dr Alex Moulton 90th Present from

If you're suffering from Cabin Fever and can get out on your Moulton, please commemorate the Centenary of Alex Moulton's birthday on 9th April this year. 60 years ago Alex Moulton dedicated much of his life to developing a new type of bicycle. The much beloved F frame bicycle was the result. 20 years later, the Space-frame. The rest is history.

We invite Moulton owners around the World, at this socially challenging time, to get out on your Moulton to celebrate his bicycle achievements. Whether that's just a quick cycle along your road & back, on your own or with another Moulton rider (properly Covid 19-distanced)!

Please make the time to get out on your Moulton during some part of Thursday 9th April (providing it is safe), to recognise, acknowledge and respect the work and achievement of Alex Moulton.

Please take a photo of yourself and your bike, so you can share your day with the other Moulton riders around the world by posting it on Facebook > The Moulton Bicycle.

Whether you are in Australia, Asia, Europe, America or anywhere in-between, please make time to ride your bike in memory of Alex Moulton.

If ALL club members get out for a ride on that day you will be able to say you were part of the “Moulton Around The World Ride”.

Whatever you are able to do on the day, please get a photo and put it up on Facebook to share your moment with the other Moulton riders around the world.

If you are not a Facebook user speak with you friends and relatives who are and get them to upload your photos or get them to help you set up a Facebook account (all FREE) from your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

Please get you images on Facebook on the day or soon after so the images are all together on the page.

PS - I hope you enjoyed this year's calendar of Alex Moulton, we are planning to make another calendar for 2021 – details in the next club magazine.