Finally, 2020 is over. Hopefully 2021 will be better than last year. Probably not the greatest year ever, but better.
No April Meeting
In your Committee’s estimation, due to government restrictions and personal safety considerations for us club members, the factory team and the traders in the town, the current UK Covid recovery rate will not permit our usual April meeting at BoA.
Your Committee voted unanimously to NOT prepare for the April event or an event a month or two later.
September Meeting ~ Friday 17th to Sunday 19th
The Committee do think the September event is a possibility and we have agreed the dates with both the Alex Moulton Charitable Trust & the Moulton Bicycle Company.
We can now make tentative plans for the various services we will need and events & activities for the weekend.
The current plan is to have a much simpler event.
We’ll meet as usual from the Friday evening (camping on the lawns), have events on the Saturday and rides on the Sunday.
To make the weekend more flexible we will NOT have the usual sit down Saturday evening meal. This saves us having to book, pay and then lose deposits for a venue/marquee & caterers, if the Covid situation unexpectedly worsens and we have to cancel at the last minute.
Instead, we will arrange a more extensive BBQ facility at the Hall grounds for communal use or people can go into town to provide much needed income to the local pubs & restaurants.
This all assumes the UK will be free of restrictions on mass gatherings and that the UK vaccination program will allow us to safely meet in larger numbers. (We normally anticipate around 80-100 people on the Saturday)
We have no knowledge of what the international travel situation may be in September. Hopefully it’ll good enough to enable Moultoneers abroad to join us, but we will have to wait and see.
We sincerely hope our plans will turn into an enjoyable weekend of everything Moulton but we can't guarantee that BoA September 2021 will happen.
The most up-to-date news on the September meeting will be posted on the club website (, Facebook (The Moulton Bicycle) and confirmed in your club Moultoneer magazine.
In the meantime keep safe, healthy & happy – ride your Moulton.