MBC Spring Meeting: Sat. 13th April 2024

The group pic outside the Moulton Bicycle Company factory gates.

Saturday dawned a bright and sunny day and as a result the April meeting of the Moulton Bicycle Club was blessed with great weather.  As usual the April meeting was a casual meeting, focussed on people meeting and catching up.  We are grateful to the Moulton Bicycle Company who facilitated this by providing refreshments including Jubilee Tea, F Frame Coffee and XTB Soup.  I am happy to report that there were no bicycle parts in any of those. 

The Company also put on an interesting wheel building demonstration in the factory.  Darren was kind enough to share with us his expertise and some of his top tips on building wheels.  After lunch we headed off on rides in two different directions.  A flattish rise along the canal and a slightly longer (23 mile) to Lacock.  Before setting off we marked Alex Moulton’s 104th birthday earlier this month and remembered those who were not there this year by ringing our bicycle bells for 30 seconds.

Overall we had a wonderful day.  The sun stayed out and a good time was had by all.  Thanks must go to Mark Taylor on the committee for arranging the event and to the Moulton Bicycle Company for their great efforts to provide interest to the day.

Mark Brett

More pictures, (courtesy of Clive Tasker who owns their copyright), can be seen on Flickr:
