The Moulton TSR 2 Specification has been released. This model features a 2 speed Sturmey Archer S2C hub, with kick-back shifting and a coaster (or back pedal-) brake. This means that there are no cables running to the rear wheel, and allows the frame to be split more quickly for storage and transportation.
The initial prototypes, which were shown last year, featured a belt drive, eliminating the maintenance and dirt associated with chain drives.
However, the production TSR 2 is available with a choice of either belt drive or a standard chain drive. The belt drive model features a Delta 11mm belt, 67 tooth chainring and 25 tooth sprocket, providing approximately 50.6 and 69.9 inches.
The chain drive features a 44 tooth chainring and 17 tooth sprocket, giving gears of approximately 48.9 inches and 67.5 inches.
The TSR 2 weights 12kgs, and also features folding pedals and Avid Single Digit 5 front V-brakes.
The Moulton Bicycle Company Website says
Beautiful simplicity - the TSR 2 features the new Sturmey-Archer 'kick-shift' two-speed gear with an integrated back-pedal brake, and belt-drive. Two well-spaced ratios keep you moving through city streets - no shifters, no cable, no adjustment.
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