An inspiring exhibition, celebrating the life and achievements of bicycle pioneer Alex Moulton, has been so successful that it has been extended.
The exhibition, in the foyer of Bradford on Avon’s library, opened the day after Dr Moulton’s funeral and was supposed to finish on Monday. It will now continue until January 21.David Maude, a freelance journalist, and Mike Shearing, a graphic designer, produced panels of information that included photographs from over the years, Dr Moulton’s family history and achievements and quotes from people who were inspired by him or worked with him.
The exhibition was created using material from a previous exhibition, produced to celebrate Dr Moulton’s 90th birthday, in 2010.Mr Maude said: “We worked together, deciding how we could produce a storyboard about his life and role in the town. A lot of people do not know how influential he has been.
“He was full of ideas that he wanted to develop and we wanted to reflect that. He was pleased with the last exhibition and it was impressive to see how engaged he was.“If there is something that could be done for the town to express appreciation of his life then it ought to be done.”Bradford on Avon Museum trustee Roy Canham was behind the creation of the previous exhibition, jointly staged by the museum, Preservation Trust and Town Council.
He said: “This exhibition has been very successful, with members of the public coming up to the library counter to say how impressed they were at the speed of production and the content. Everyone knew him and respected him, but this gives people a chance to learn more about him.”Dr Moulton’s 90th birthday exhibition went on display at St Laurence School and Mr Canham said he was hopeful the updated version would follow suit.
The engineer, inventor and designer, best known for his small-wheeled Moulton bicycle and the suspension for the Mini, died on December 9, two weeks after celebrating the Moulton Bicycle Company’s 50th anniversary.
via Tribute show extended (From Wiltshire Times).