BoA 2011 Detail

Dear all members, As most will be aware, the latest Moultoneer is now out.

Unfortunately there is one detail missing from the application form to be sent to Arthur Smith - who to make cheques payable to! We can only apologise for this, please make cheques payable to MOULTON BICYCLE CLUB, not Arthur! Hopefully this has not caused too many problems, quite how such a detail slipped through past our eyes on checking the magazine prior to print I don't know!

One other thing, is there anyone willing to write up this year's club weekend for the next issue? 2/3 pages ideally, I am sure there will be plenty of nice photos flying about to use. Please email me at if you can help. Apologies and we look forward to a (hopefully) sunny and warm weekend

Club Gathering at BoA Spring 2011

It has been announced that there is to be a spring Moulton Bicycle Club gathering at Bradford on Avon in April 2011.


This has been arranged following the success of last years gathering to celebrate Dr Alex Moulton's 90th Birthday.

Full details will appear in the upcoming edition of the Moultoneers, and on the members area of the Club Website.

So if you haven't yet joined the Moulton Bicycle Club or renewed your membership, now is the perfect time to do so.

Please Note: A strict "Members Only" policy will be implemented at this event. There will be NO overnight camping or motor home parking at the Hall for this event. All members must book their own accomodation, if required.

