Death of Peter Roberts

Club Treasurer 1999 to 2013


Peter Roberts, a Club Member since 1993, died recently at the Gloucestershire Royal Infirmary after a short illness. He was 84.

Peter served as Treasurer of the Moulton Bicycle Club from 1999 to 2013. He had a positive, kindly influence on the workings of the Club Committee and was a steadying hand on the financial helm.

We are extremely grateful for all his work over the past 14 years and are very thankful to his daughter Catherine for her help in continuing with the Treasurer role.

Moulton Bicycle Club has a New President

Tony Hadland has graciously agreed to be the Club's new President.


Having written two definitive books about the Moulton Bicycle, he has an encyclopaedic knowledge about the machines we cherish and the UK bicycle industry in general.

Many Members will remember that Tony was the first Editor of The Moultoneer. He was Editor for three separate terms of office!

In his writings on the world of bicycling, has been a strong advocate of the Moulton philosophy.

He has been a central welcoming face at many past BoAs. His knowledge of Moulton bicycles was heavily relied upon by Alex Moulton at the Saturday afternoon courtyard gatherings where AM would talk about the many different models being shown by their owners.

Tony was the Master of Ceremonies at the 50th Anniversary of the launch of the Moulton Bicycle and also was nominated by Alex to give a eulogy about AM’s achievements in the bicycle world at his funeral.

As the Club moves into a new, post- AM, era, we look forward to a long and happy association with Tony.

New Moulton Book


Read the story behind the Moulton Bicycle Club and of its founder Daved Sanders. He has ridden Moulton bicycles for more than 40 years and now tells of his life on tiny tyres.

Learn of the special Moulton MkIII built for him in 1976, ridden for more than 100,000 miles including Audax rides and holidays abroad. From Paris to Harrogate, across the Alps, in Spain, in Madeira and on honeymoon in Portugal.

In sleet and snow in the Alps during summertime. Of a high speed puncture with more than 80 holes. Escaping the antlers of deer in Austria and battling the weather on the 1978 Centenary Ride from Paris to Harrogate.

Photographs of MkIV, S Speed and many more selected from his archive of photographs and documents - never before seen.

Read the First Issue of the Club magazine - The Moulton Cyclist.

A4 Softback 138 pages
More than 120 colour photographs - and more illustrations
ISBN : 978-0-9926217-0-4

Signed Copies available in Pelikan ‘Ink of the Year 2013’ Order your copy today - limited availability
£70 UK Post Free


Send Cheque to Daved Sanders, Stable Cottage, Whitton Court, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 AB
Overseas - email for Paypal Invoice to be sent

BoA 2013 – post your entry form today!

The club weekend at Bradford on Avon is fast approaching.

It takes a lot of volunteer effort to run this weekend. The organisers would greatly appreciate if you could send your application in NOW! Leaving it to the last minute only adds to the stress of running this wonderful event.

Don't delay, send it in today!

The form was posted with issue 100 of The Moultoneer. Alternatively, download a copy here... BoA Application Form 2013

More details are on page 40 and 41 of Moultoneer 100 or view this PDF extract

Alex Moulton Memorial Weekend

Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th April 2013.

Gates at The Hall will open at 10:00 on Saturday morning.
Please give your name and membership number at the gate and proceed down the hill to the Courtyard.

Moulton Preservation, Moulton Regalia and Moulton Bicycle Company will have sales stalls in the Courtyard.
Refreshments will be available.

On Saturday evening, we will meet at The Riverside Inn, by St. Margaret's Hall from 7 p.m. for an evening meal.

On Sunday, there will be 2 rides, a Family Ride of 10 miles and a 25 mile ride leaving from St. Margaret's Hall at 10 a.m.
Following the rides, we will meet back at The Riverside for lunch.
