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1984 Moulton AM7 – Play in frame joint

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  • #7100
    Liam Lewis

    Hi there,

    The frame joint on my AM7 has started to wobble, I’ve tightened the bolt as much as possible and there is still play. I’ve also stripped it all down and cleaned it out, still play…

    Has anyone experienced this before, or know of any fixes?

    Thanks, Liam

    Chris Wright

    You need some kind of spacer/washer on the non-hex bolt side.

    My solution was to unravel a keyring (the sprung spiral bit of metal that you feed the keys onto), and then wrap it round the outside of the steel tube, so that when you tighten the bolt it acts against the lip at the end of the tube, and stops it travelling so far into the frame as you tighten it.

    On an AM7 it gets hidden inside the plastics cover so you don’t notice it once the joint is tight – you can also use thick garden wire, but I found an unravelled keyring is exactly the right length and shape.

    Liam Lewis

    Thanks Chris, good solution.

    I figured out a similar fix using out cola can shims/washers. It seams to be holding well after 300km.

    Another solution I thought of was to file down the threaded end of the kingpin to give some clearance. Have you or anyone thought of doing this, or would recommend giving it a go?


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