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ABP rear carrier parts.

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  • #2640

    I am looking to obtain a rear carrier support stay for my APB. I have tried a search online without any success. Can anyone tell me where I might find this stay and is it known by another term?
    Thank you


    robert, ask an owner to measure one up for you, in sure you or a local engineer could make one )its not much more that a tube with flat ends and holes drilled in them


    I’ve got an APB apart for servicing. The rear carrier strut is made of 12.7mm (1/2″) OD tubing. Where it is flattened the thickness is approx 2.7mm, so you could infer the wall thickness is a bit less than half that (Local suppliers have 4130 tubing measuring 1/2″ x 0.049″). The holes are 500mm between centres, and they are offset by 90 degrees. On end is left square and the other is radius-ed to clear the seat-post.

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