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Airless and flat-proof tyres

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  • #2690
    Alexander Johnston

    My attention has been drawn to airless and flat-proof tyres.
    Does anyone know if these come in sizes suitable for a TSR or vintage F frame?
    If so, has anyone tried them?
    Were they any good?
    If these products work really well it will be revolutionary.

    Keith Hales

    None have ever worked well, they incur far too much drag.

    david james

    i did see someone on the ferry about year ago with a peugout racing bike of 1978 vintage with factory fitted solid tyres, they felt softish but maybe they worked ok on 27 inch wheels

    Alexander Johnston

    Keith and David
    Thanks for that.

    david james

    i do have a problem getting 16×13/8 tyres on the rims as i guess there is not so much “stretch” as in a bigger tyre, i pour some hot water over it to soften it a long since departed uncle who worked in a bike shop said you should never use levers to put a cycle tyre on and whenever i have tried it i’ve succeeded it puncturing the inner tube, maybe he knew something! anyway my point is i think it would be difficult to repair a puncture in the traditional way at the side of the road unless you carry a flask of hot water.

    Des Gibbons
    Do some research on these, you can get them in 20 inch size also if you look around! They are fitted to the rim via clips and still hard to fit, plenty of reviews online for and against!


    Something I intend trying on my TSR2 commuter when the current tyres need replacing – that and the belt drive should make it pretty low maintenance.

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