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AM Child seat and rack: information wanted.

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    I have an AM plug in rear rack and child seat that I bought many years ago to cart my kids around. I have never seen another one and am looking for more information. I tried the factory first and they referred me here so I hope someone can help with:
    the years they were made, the weight specifications, any manuals or instructions that would have gone with them when sold, any idea of value and anything else that might be fun to know.

    The rack is almost the same color as my 1983 AM7, a glossy grey, has a Reynold’s 531 sticker, uses both the screw-on tube to the bottom bracket as well as a pair of angled tubes that anchor through the seat-post bolt. It is much narrower and beefier than the regular AM rack that I have. The seat is plastic, designed for a small kid and faces backwards with 4 mounting holes for the brackets on the frame. It had just a waist belt and was complete with foot rests moulded into the seat. My kids loved the view they got since they are not jammed up against you back.


    Hi! There’s a picture and a description of this Child Carrier in Tony Hadland’s THE SPACEFRAME MOULTONS book pp.115-116 (original edition). Amongst other details is the 1986 sales launch price of £85 complete! William Poole – Bergen, Norway.


    Thanks. Unfortunately I don’t have the book but good to know roughly when it was made. The Bank of England inflation calculator puts that at about 250 in todays money so It seems a great bargain at that price.

    Hans Havinga

    I’ve owned the one that is described in the Space Frames book. Bought it (with an AM7) from the owner who’s letter is quoted bij Tony Hadland. He lived at that time (and maybe still lives) in Holland. I sold it separately as it was of no use for me. Which proves at least two of these child seats were produced.


    It’s for sale for US$275. If I can figure out how to post fotos I will but if interested might be better to email me directly at

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