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Anybody seen this eBay listing?

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  • #2367
    John Faulkner

    Checking through my ebay search listings this morning I find a few (4) recent Moultoneer mags offered. Plus badge.
    Not quite sure what to say about this, but maybe the Club should be listing the Moultoneer back copies and make a big profit for the Club?

    Included is the latest edition, which I only got just over a week ago….
    Hot off the press this one.

    Opportunism springs to mind here.
    There are other words which occur to me, which I refrain from using here.


    Alexander Johnston

    HI John
    Moulton Regalia occasionally sell items like the modern Moulton bells on Ebay for the benefit of the Club and its members.
    Like me, I doubt if MR considered that a few recent back copies of the Moultoneer, albeit with a Club badge, would be marketable.

    Anwar Rahim

    Hi John,

    I imagine that the club and MR and more interested in offering a good service to the club members (adding to ‘the spirit of Moultoneering’), and not looking to make a quick buck. Due to the desirability of all things Moulton it would be easy for them to make a lot of cash for the club but I think this would mean the members would miss out. Having attended BOA (for the first time weekend just gone), it was possible for attendees to purchase back issues of the Moultoneer. If MBC had looked to sell all these off to the highest bidder many enthusiasts would not have the opportunity to buy back issues which I feel would be a real shame.

    It makes me laugh how people buy Moulton regalia/ Moultoneers mags (as in this example) for higher prices than the club offer. Why not join the club and buy/ receive such items at a good price(!!)?

    With regards to this seller, I feel you may have been a little harsh. I imagine this is a club member who no longer has need for their back issues/ badge and is looking to make a bit of cash selling them on rather than throwing them away (as opposed to those who stock up on items and then sell at inflated prices).

    I’m a bit of a secret hoarder so will look to hang on to every issue of the Moultoneer that I receive but I guess there will be a time when you may find a catalogue of Moultoneers on ebay (only have about 4 or 5 so far so this may be a while!).

    Kind regards


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