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Former Moultoneer says hi

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  • #2593

    Hi all,
    Long time Moultoneer dropping in,sadly I don’t own one at present, but have had a multitude of Deluxes,standards,speeds and an APB millennium,and started off with a super 4.
    I’m now in a position to seriously get back into riding and restoring again,I have a decent shed to work in and my work is now near enough to cycle to. Looking around on the net is it really the case that the f frame is now out of reach to the average person? Has Doggett and eBay turned the Moulton into a trophy piece for rich collectors? I know they aren’t £20 any more,but the prices they have been selling for (or at least asking for) is eye watering!
    Or is there still a few out there that have escaped the attention of auction pirates?


    david james

    they haven’t made any f frames for 40 years so they must run out at some time, one thing is for sure the price gap between the f frame and the early pylons is can still get bargains i picked up a 4 speed for £60 with a box load of bits

    Alexander Johnston

    I don’t think the price of Moulton F frame bikes has increased significantly over the last 5 years.
    You can still pick up a good example for the price of dinner with wine for two in a posh restaurant.
    But of course once you’ve eaten your dinner, that’s it! whereas you still have the Moulton.
    Unlike dinner it can be enjoyed many times!

    david james

    a posh dinner for two to me is thirty quid!

    Alexander Johnston

    I’m talking about the meal, not the tip!
    Apologies, I meant a posh dinner for 4 with 2 good bottles of wine
    Say, £350?

    stan ellison

    I just had a quick look at Ebay. There is quite a range on offer, from £25 with less than two days to go to £365 buy it now with no bids plus a couple with no front suspension. It would seem that the cheapest are collection only so it’s pot luck as to whether you live near enough.

    david james

    oh the joys of living in london! my local indian does meals for a tenner and damned good as well


    Agree thgat the price differential between F Frames and space frames is rahter close, especially the Mark 3 and stowaway, faced with this why consider the TSR range, the TSR2 is less than £1000, a brand new bike, ready to ride and with none of the faults F frames exhibit. I have a TSR2 as well as an AM14, plus 45 years of F frame ownership. THe TSR is a worthy (and dare I suggest better) bike than any F frane I have ridden

    Alexander Johnston

    Some have said that the TSR rides almost as well as an AM or a NS.

    david james

    the newer frames should be better with all the advances in computer aided design that didn’t exist 50 years ago, the material can be concentrated exactly where it’s needed most, also one would hope that fatigue design has progressed so there will be no fork failures!


    The TSR2 rides like an AM, the 20 inch wheels are good and strong without the weight, and you have a good choice of tyres compared to 17 inch.
    I have only had a short run on an NS, the parallelogram girder forks which do not dive under braking are silky smooth! A TSR cannot be said to equal a girder fork NS


    Alex must have been looking down on me,as I havefound,bought and am awaiting delivery of a fantastic series 1 Moulton Standard,with full dynohub lighting set,front and rear racks and long propstand,for the price of a rotten Moulton mini on eBay,needless to say it didn’t come from eBay! Only fault being the dreaded rear fork crack. I shall be rejoining the club asap,and attempt to find a copy of Tony Hadlands book as mine has disappeared after moving house 🙁


    As Michael Woolf says, you do not find a Moulton, a Moulton finds you!


    Hi Dan,

    Tony’s book has recently been republished and renamed. You’ll find it on Amazon listed as :-
    The F-Frame Moultons (Bicycle Science) Hardcover – 10 Sep 2014
    by Tony Hadland (Author)

    You should be able to pick it up for about £30.00. It’s contains a great forward written by Michael Woolf. I intend to get my copy signed by Tony and Michael at BoA this September 😉

    Don’t waste your time or money trying to track down a copy of the original book as this is a reprint of Tony’s “The Moulton Bicycle” blue book.

    Happy reading,



    Do not forget the Paul Grogan book:
    You may need to look for a used copy

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