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Gear inches for 17 inch (369) Etro wheel

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  • #2704
    Alexander Johnston

    The Moulton 406mm wheel is described as 20 inch but in fact for the purpose of working out gear inches the figure of 18.5 inches is used (the diameter of the wheel with the tyre inflated).
    Does anyone know the equivalent figure for the Moulton 369mm wheel which is described as 17 inch?
    It obviously must be a bit less than 18.5.

    Alexander Johnston

    Thanks Roger.

    Gabriel Velazquez

    I think it is 17 x 1 1/4.

    At least that is the tire for the 17″ rims

    Alexander Johnston

    Thanks Gabriel.


    Precise value depends on tyre width but I use a figure of 17.365 inches that I measured some time ago, perhaps for Stelvios when they were available.

    Alexander Johnston

    Thanks George.

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