Open Discussion Group

Moulton Preservation Ride

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  • #6732

    I have it in my brain that the annual Richmond Park ride is to be held on Wednesday August 7th.
    Is this correct as there is no mention of it in the rides calendar ?


    I was wondering about the date of this too. I was planning on bringing the 63 narrow bellows F Frame called “Serena” that I’ve helped rise from the dead this year rather than “Morris” my first ever F Frame that came from Moulton Preservation who normally accompanies me on the ride. In the hope that ride is going ahead, I look forward to seeing the regular gang in the very near future.

    Keith Hales

    It was announced in the latest Moultoneer (124) as being on Monday 12th August, 11.00 for 11.30 from the usual Roehampton gate car park.

    Keith Hales


    Thanks, more riders may turn up if it was in the rides calender.

    Aynsley Brown

    My apologies, fellow Moultoneers. I should have put the details of this ride up a lot sooner, But I have been totally tied up in helping to organise the Lincolnshire International Chamber Music Festival.
    This has just finished, so I can get back to doing other things.
    Sorry again, Aynsley.

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