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Now on Facebook?

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  • #6194

    There is now a group on Facebook called Moulton Bicycle Club, with the club logo. Is this an official club group ?

    David Squires

    Hi Clive, just had a look and I can’t find it. Could you post a link?


    Keith Hales

    Think it has been there for some time, not official MBC though.

    Unfortunately you have to be registered on Facebook to access it, which I have never been, and in view of current developments, will never be.

    Keith Hales


    I reluctantly signed up to Facebook because questions l placed on this club forum were going un-answerd. On Facebook communication with Moulton enthusiast is almost instant.

    Alexander Johnston

    Hi Clive
    I thought it had been started by you under the aegis of the Club. That’s why I posted on it promoting the Club.

    Hi Keith
    I can see where you are coming from in view of recent developments.


    There is a group on Google+ which you might prefer (choose your evil empire). It only has a small number of regular contributors, but they are all enthusiastic, and helpful, and the existing content may be of interest.

    Alexander Johnston

    Hi Clifford
    If you sign up and give your phone number are you then plagued by unwanted calls and texts?


    If you sign up and give your phone number are you then plagued by unwanted calls and texts?

    You’ll have to check Google’s terms & conditions for that (good luck!). If you already have a Google account (for G-Mail or Google Drive for example), then you simply sign in with that – one account for all. I do not recall having to provide a phone number specifically when creating a Google account, I have since added a phone number for the purposes of account/password recovery. I have never been called up about anything as a result of signing up for a Google account – there are far more cost=effective and less intrusive means of directing “content of interest” your way.

    The Google+ account settings themselves provide rather fine control over use of your information. I took a look at the phone contact settings, and notifications when “community activity” for groups you are signed up to seems to be the default, but I have only ever received e-mails for such.

    Alexander Johnston

    Thanks Clifford.

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