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Rear suspension on 65 deluxe bottoming out

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  • #7631

    Hi there all. I have noticed that the rear suspension on my 65 Deluxe seems to allow the mudguard to hit the rear carrier supports in a couple of places. There are a couple of little spots of damage where the clash occurs. I am not particularly heavy (12 1/2 stone).

    Just wondering if this is ‘normal’ or indicative of a problem that needs fixing. When riding I occasionally notice a mild clang noise if I hit a pothole unexpectedly but most of the time the suspension is more or less silent (rear sa hub certainly makes far more noise)

    I don’t see any signs of cracking or malformation of the fork but I haven’t given it a really careful inspection yet as I only noticed the paint damage the other day
    Cheers for any advice

    Roger Cantwell

    Assuming it’s a series 1, check the rear swingarm on the underside, where the “cup” for the suspension block meets the blades. That’s where they crack first.

    Another possibility (series 1 or 2) is a snapped pivot bolt, or possibly a suspension unit where the rubber and metal parts have separated.

    I wouldn’t ride the bike until it’s been fixed.

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