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Recently acquired 65 f frame

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  • #2673
    Martyn Ellis

    I’ve recently purchased an abandoned restoration project largely complete and now virtually completely stripped down apart from front suspension which is resisting!! I see moulton preservation offer a re built unit which seems to make sense but is there a contact for them other than the address provided, I just wanted to confirm prices and whether they want the old unit in exchange ?? Any advice appreciated. Thank you

    david james

    you have to write with an sae, you might get a phone call if you’re lucky!

    Martyn Ellis

    David, thanks very much, will do.

    david james

    they normally answer by return of post, i sent a tenner in an envelope for a bottom steering bearing and two days later there it was.if you live in london you can drop it in but if you have to post it make’s it more awkward .

    Martyn Ellis

    I’ve sent a note with sae and phone number ref a refurbished front forks/suspension so hope they have something available so I can progress. Thanks for taking the time to reply, no doubt I’ll have plenty more questions as things move on.

    Martyn Ellis

    Further to my original post I’ve now had the front forks restored by Michael Woolfe at Moulton preservation. I have to commend them for a truly excellent service,very quick and skilfully restored to tip top condition. I would highly recommend this service to anyone, keep up the good work guys!

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