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Recommended tires & brake pads for F-frame

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  • #2488
    Jack Finucan

    Which tires are recommended for the f-frame Moultons (16″) ?

    I want to keep the original calipers on my Moulton 4 speed but the John Bull #25 brake blocks need replacing. Any clue as to modern fittings?

    Jack Finucan

    Schwalbe’s website says: Kojak: size 32-349, 16 x 1 1/4, 70-115 psi. Part # 11100175. are these a good choice?


    They are fine. I fitted the same are fitted to my wife’s F-frame.

    Tim Toman

    I have Schwalbe Marathons on the original (1964) wheels of my Standard. They are a very tight fit and it is difficult to smooth out the flat spot. It seems that the original wheels are slightly too large for these tyres. I believe Michael Woolf has had the same experience.
    If I dare mention my other small wheel bike, a 1998 Brompton, I have to say that I found that Schwalbe Marathons were much harder to fit on its wheels than Brompton’s own branded tyres, which seemed more flexible.
    Has anyone fitted Brompton tyres to 1960s wheels?

    Ian Plain

    for tyres i am using
    very close to original and seem good commuter tyres

    Dave Minter

    I used Brompton tyres for PBP03 with no problems. No problems with the tyres that is. The hitherto reliable original rustless spokes started breaking at the rate of 1 every 200km. The 28 spokes in the rear wheel were rather depleted by the finish at 1200km.

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