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Schwalbe Durano

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  • #5578
    Steven Brandist

    My Continental Grand Prix tyres (28-406) need replacing. Great tyres in my opinon: 205g each, very free running, and more puncture resistant that you would think. Wear can be rapid, but I’m fine with that. I’ve had several sets now without problem.

    But! Continental have a supply issue and everyone is out of stock – and will be for sometime it appears.
    The tyre is made in Germany, not elsewhere – if that’s a factor or not I’ve no idea.

    In desperation at not finding any I bought a pair of Schwalbe Durano and appropriate Schwalbe inner tubes from West Country Recumbents ‘Small tyre shop’ – they were a very good price and delivered quickly too. A recommended supplier.

    However, I can’t say I’m very impressed with Schwalbe. The un-mounted tyres are deformed, sidewalls wrinkled and they feel like they’ve been made from low-quality materials. Once mounted they straighten up of course. The new inner, on the rear, went flat overnight 🙁
    Even more unimpressed.

    On the road the bike feels harsher and skittish, which isn’t surprising when comparing the tough-as-boots Schwalbe over the soft, supple Continental tyres.

    I’ll leave judgment if they are slower/faster/same after a few more commutes.



    The new inner, on the rear, went flat overnight

    We’ve had a batch of inner tubes where the valve insert has not been fully tightened, leading to overnight flats.
    The fix is to tighten the insert with a pair of needle nose pliers 🙂

    Alexander Johnston

    The Moulton Bicycle Company rate Duranos. The folding version reduces the rotation weight further.

    Steven Brandist


    Purchased a pair of Duranos. Hated them. Felt harsh, skittish and slow. Removed.
    I’ll either be selling them or keeping them as an emergency back-up.

    I have just fitted a pair of Panaracer Minit Tough tyres. I managed to get a shop soiled unused pair for the price of 1. Early days with them as only 9 miles under the TSR with them, but this is more like it. Free running and sure footed like the Continental Grand Prix. One thing that is surprising is that they are quite noisy – like the tyre is being peeled from the road surface. Another note is that there is no mounting direction indicator on them, so I guess it doesn’t matter.

    Back on the Continental Grand Prix subject… I got a response from Conti UK yesterday, they state they should have them back in 8 weeks time (late June). St John Street Cycles are accepting back orders on them (via telephone) who say they will arrive between 16-30 days. Conti GP fans watch this space…

    Alexander Johnston

    Leaving safety considerations to one side, do you think you could distinguish between Duranos and Grand Prix if you were blindfolded?

    Steven Brandist

    Strange you should mention, I was feeling a GP and Durano hanging up in my garage the just the other day. So, the answer to your (on the face of it) strange question is Yes.

    Everyone likes the smell of fresh rubber, don’t they? Oh, only me then…

    Alexander Johnston

    The question was inspired by one of those appalling TV programmes I watched (yes, I admit it!) about “experts” advising people on how to cut back on their expenditures and save money.
    The episode I watched involved a woman who spent £80 a week on moisturizer which, apparently, is a cream which comes in a tube which one puts on one’s face and other body parts, but serves no useful purpose whatsoever. Apparently some men, called Metrosexuals, are regularly moisturizing.
    Anyway, this woman would not, under any circumstances, contemplate buying a cheaper “moisturizer” so the TV “team” put her expensive moisturizer and the cheaper one in non-descript tubes and asked her to choose.
    She chose the cheaper one on the grounds that the other one (the one she paid £80 a week for), had a bad smell and made her come out in a rash.
    I was therefore wondering if you would display similar behaviour but with bicycle tyres rather than moisturizer.
    Perhaps if you were blindfolded or the tyre markings were concealed you might chose Duranos on the grounds that the other tyre (the Continental Grand Prix) was deformed and felt like it was made from inferior materials?

    Alexander Johnston

    I’ve read somewhere – perhaps on one of the other Forums – that Continental Grand Prix haven’t been discontinued and a new batch should be in the shops in
    If that’s the case I’ll definitely give them a go.

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